It is no secret to any of us here in the UK that the cost of energy has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels in recent times.

We are now more conscious than ever of the cost to boil the kettle, and god forbid, heat the hot tub that many of us purchased during lockdown.

It is a genuine crisis, and one that has really hit home for many that we are completely at the mercy of events out of our control as to what we will pay for electricity and gas now, and in the future. If they put the prices up, then we have to pay it, and that's that.

However there is one way that we can take back a little bit of control, and that is to utilise that big yellow circle in the sky. Yes we may not see it as much as we would like but do not be fooled, there is still an incredible amount of potential energy we can utilise here in the UK from our sun that can power your kettle and, dare we dream...maybe even the hot tub!

The great news for homeowners and business owners alike is that the cost of the materials for Solar and Battery Storage has never been so low. The government has also levied the VAT element from materials. This means that it has never been more financially justifiable to look toward a solar installation.

Along with the rise in energy bills, the drop in the materials costs, and the very alarming effects of global warming, Solar PV now seems like a really viable option.

Of course there are many factors to take into account for anyone contemplating Solar PV and/or battery storage, and this is something we at Alps Electrical can help you decide if it is right for you.

For the last 20 years or so we had been mainly focused on domestic and commercial electrical work until 2020 when we began installing EV chargers in homes and businesses around the North East. And in 2022, with the ever growing demand for Solar, along with the satisfaction of doing our bit to help our planet, it seemed the logical next progressive step for Alps Electrical to venture into Solar PV.

We have now undertaken some incredible projects including even on our own home, as the old saying goes, practice what you preach. Needless to say we have seen some fantastic savings already.

Your own experience of solar and its financial return on investment will be determined by a large range of factors, including the orientation and pitch of your roof, your energy usage habits, where in the UK you live, if you are shaded by buildings or trees for part of the day, and if you will benefit from battery storage.

Alps Electrical will be taking its ethos on superb customer service, and honest, reliable advice into the solar industry. We look forward to helping customers decide if Solar will pay for them, and if so then installing it at their homes and premises, and hopefully saving them money whilst also helping them reduce their carbon footprint.

The sun is here to stay (we all better hope), and so why not make good use of it.